Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Le Update

June is almost over, and things have changed for me now that the warmer weather is upon us. I have been doing less traditional workouts.. but it's mainly because I have been so active with other stuff. Work is super busy, of course, but I'm also walking atleast an hour every day just getting to work and back (oh the joy of being car-free), buzzing around doing stuff on my lunch, etc. We've been doing a ton more outdoor activities like frisbee in the park, bocce ball.. (that's hard work, right? ) hiking around town to different markets and festivals, and taking Nathan's dog for walks and all that. So I feel like I've been pretty active. I don't know how to quantify that amount of activity in terms of workouts.. but I think I'm probably pretty good on the activity level.

I've been making great strides on marketing efforts around the clinic, and they are paying off immensely. I've made a marketing "calendar" and each month has more ideas of things to implement into the clinic. So I already have the basic stuff on the go (business cards, a website, large ads in both the telephone books, etc). Then I have ongoing referral marketing thru BNI.. that's a weekly meeting and usually atleast one other "dance" (getting together with another BNI member for coffee to talk about ways we can promote each other and get to know them better).. So that keeps me pretty busy. The Marketing calendar idea is great cuz I write down my ideas for the month as well as target goals. So for instance, April's patient count was 43 office visits and 5 new patients. I set a goal for May of 50 office visits and 8 new patients, and at the end of the month I exceeded that goal with 57 office visits and 8 new patients. That was pretty exciting. Then May's ideas for marketing, I did a internal promotion in the clinic with a little display for FRA offering 50% off the first FRA treatment, and made up some flyers for it and whatnot. I also did an Open house for the women's only gym down the road, and donated a gift certificate as a door prize. I also donated a gift certificate to the Schizophrenic society for some golf tournament they were holding.

This month's idea was to start up a facebook group for the clinic. As of today there are already 103 members in the group, and I only made it a week ago, so that's looking pretty successful. I plan to write articles for the group and then I have access to over 100 people to send that out to. I just want to get the clinic into everyone's subconscious so when they hear someone needs a treatment or whatever, they immediately think of our clinic. The other thing I plan to do for this month is send out a Mail out to existing patients announcing my new designation (Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner .. yay! ). Reason being is 2 fold.. of course for the announcement, but also to touch base with patients that have fallen off of care, and just remind them that I'm still here. The third thing I'm working on this month is getting some articles written for a clinic newsletter. So, busy for me around here, which makes me a happy girl.

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